Revolutionizing women's health through accurate and personalized hormonal monitoring

Aveta.Life combines innovative proprietary hormone monitoring and AI-guided diagnostics technology (patents pending), to empower women in achieving optimal health and demanding personalized care throughout their life journey —puberty, family planning, and menopause. 

Hormonal imbalance causes health issues.

Women go though hormonal changes from puberty through menopause.

Hormonal balance can be achieved though hormone supplementation or hormone replacement therapy, however lack of personalized approach can lead to overdosing or underdosing and associated physical and emotional distress.

Overdosing is common during hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is associated with severe mental and physical health risks and sometimes fatal outcomes.*

Underdosing during hormone replacement therapy leads to ineffective treatment and lack of improvement.


Our technology will provide women with a clinically validated, convenient, personalized health platform, which will improve their experience during family planning, pregnancy, post-partum depression and menopause. This platform technology will be applied, at home or in clinic, for personalized monitoring of natural hormones and for personalized medicine in hormone supplementation and hormone replacement therapy.